The PA Hub Development event will be held at The Shankly Hotel, Liverpool.
Please register below.
New attendees are welcome and if you haven’t attended a PA Hub session before you can come along as a guest by registering in the non-member area quoting NEWYEAR100 in the promotional box and it will give you a free place so you can try before you buy.
The event will start with informal networking where you can meet other assistants with welcome drink and canapés. Our networking is easy-going and friendly and you don’t need to worry about being left standing on your own. This is a forum to meet other peers from your profession in a relaxed atmosphere while learning and developing at the same time.
Our special guest speaker will be Adam Fidler who will be talking about the new year and a new you.
Seminar Details: It’s the thought that counts: creating positive choices
In this inspirational and thought-provoking talk, Adam shares the strategies he has used, and uses to this day, to continue to manifest and achieve his aspirations. If the tools have worked for Adam, then he has no doubt they can work for you too! By becoming deliberate creators, and actively focussing on what we want, our goals become reality. The presentation includes goal setting, and why it’s important, the use of visualisations and affirmations to achieve those goals, and how positive statements of intent can build self-confidence and self-belief. These tools are not new – far from it; they were used by great businesspeople such as Henry Ford, but for years they weren’t included in standard business books. Now, Adam gives his contemporary perspective on the law of attraction, and how you can indeed change your life by being more aware of your thoughts and power of your mind. A talk not to be missed! Says Adam: “Change your thoughts and you change your life!”.
About Adam
Adam Fidler is a PA Trainer Practitioner who offers training to PAs and office professionals. He is former PR Officer for European Management Assistants (EUMA), but remains on the Advisory Board of EUMA UK.
After graduating with a degree in business studies in 1999, Adam has worked as a Board-level PA in a variety of blue-chip organisations, including Boots PLC and Bank of America. He is currently Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive of Salford City College, and secretarial tutor.
Adam’s best selling PA course ‘From good to outstanding’ regularly runs in London through Pitman Training and CBM Training in South Africa.

The Shankly Hotel is located on Victoria Street in the heart of Liverpool. We are only a 5 minute walk from Lime Street and Moorefields train station and a 1 minute walk from the main bus station terminal. There is a 120 space underground car park which is open 24/7 and available to both residents and non-residents.
This event is for Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants and Virtual Assistants or equivalent only.
If you are not an assistant and want to know about exhibiting opportunities at the event please contact Jon Lowrence for details.